We will have 6 tournaments, one per month starting in October and running through April. In April we will have the grand finale where the top 8 teams will come back for a free end of season event with a chance to win bonus cash.
2024-2025 Tournament Schedule
• October 19, 2024- WINNER – Ver York 3359
• November 16, 2024- WINNER- Bob’s Pro Shop II 3355
• December 21, 2024- WINNER- Wrong Hole 3507
• January 18, 2025- WINNER- Is What it Is 3574
• February 15, 2025- WINNER Bad News Bowlers 3479
• March 15, 2025- WINNER Is What It Is 3477
• April 19, 2025
4 person teams, any mix
Entry fee is $25 per person/$100 per team
Handicap is 90% of 900
Natural strike with colored head pin earns a $1 scratch lottery ticket
Ball Raffles
1 in 8 teams cash.
Teams earn points based on finish position each month. 10 pts for 1st place, 9 pts for 2nd and so on.
All teams that compete in all 6 events will receive 30 bonus points at end of season.
Teams must have 3 consistent members to maintain point collection. Must have team name and a designated captain
Food and bar specials for these events
All tournaments are on Saturdays and will start at 1pm