common roots brewing co

Kingpin’s Alley is pleased to have Common Roots Brewing Company on board as the No Tap Tournament season long sponsor. Common Roots will be providing lots of door prizes and a grand prize at the end of the season.

We will have 6 tournaments, one per month starting in October and running through April. In April we will have the grand finale where the top 8 teams will come back for a free end of season event with a chance to win bonus cash.

2024-2025 Tournament Schedule
• October 19, 2024- WINNER – Ver York  3359
• November 16, 2024- WINNER- Bob’s Pro Shop II 3355
• December 21, 2024- WINNER- Wrong Hole 3507
• January 18, 2025-  WINNER- Is What it Is 3574
• February 15, 2025- WINNER Bad News Bowlers 3479
• March 15, 2025- WINNER Is What It Is  3477
• April 19, 2025

4 person teams, any mix
Entry fee is $25 per person/$100 per team
Handicap is 90% of 900
Natural strike with colored head pin earns a $1 scratch lottery ticket
Ball Raffles

1 in 8 teams cash.

Teams earn points based on finish position each month. 10 pts for 1st place, 9 pts for 2nd and so on.

All teams that compete in all 6 events will receive 30 bonus points at end of season.

Teams must have 3 consistent members to maintain point collection. Must have team name and a designated captain

Food and bar specials for these events

All tournaments are on Saturdays and will start at 1pm



The sixth and final regular season event of our no tap series took place on Saturday, March 15.  We had 39 teams this month.  This was the last event in which teams could get their points needed to qualify for the free, April championship event.

Of course, our partners at Common Roots Brewing Company donated a bunch of swag and boy were we giving it away.  There were over 200 scratch off tickets handed out.  As always, we raffled off three bowling balls.  The 50/50 raffle saw the winner collect over $330.

As always, a great time was had by all.  Don Cameron became just the fifth bowler in the eight year tournament history to shoot a perfect 1200 series.

The top eight teams after this event move on to the April championship.  BONUS:  There is a tie for the last spot so we will be taking nine teams to the final.

Remember...even if your team doesn't qualify for the championship, you can still bowl in the April 19 event.  Same price, same rules, always fun!  Get your entry in before the spots are gone.

The top five teams and their scores from the March event are listed below:

  1. Is What It Is     3477
  2. Hopeful Hookers     3474
  3. Ver York     3473
  4. Bing Bong!!!     3422
  5. I'd Tap That     3355

The top nine teams that will bowl for the championship on April 19th are:

  1.   Is What It Is     67 points
  2.   Bad News Bowlers     61 Points
  3.   I'd Tap That     52 points
  4.   Strykers     48.5 points
  5.   Bing Bong!!!     48 points
  6.   Hunter Hanley     48 points
  7.   Bob's Pro Shop     48 points
  8.   DILLIGAFF     46 points
  9.   Boozin Buddies     46 points