The Double B Ball & Drill pro shop, located at Kingpin’s Alley, is your one stop, full service shop. We sell all of the latest bowling balls, bags and shoes with prices to suit everyone. All of our bowling ball prices include drilling and are drilled by our experts.
The shop is run by Storm staffer Brandon Boyer and KPA owner, Doug Bohannon. Doug has been drilling for over 20 years while Brandon is a wiz at matching up bowlers to the proper ball to achieve the reaction goals.
We don’t just drill you a ball and send you on your way. We take the time to see your game, to measure needed attributes such as ball speed, PAP, rev rate, etc.
Just need ball work done? We can plug and re-drill balls. Bring back that new ball look and reaction with a complete resurface. Just need to replace those worn out finger grips? We stock your size in a variety of colors.
We have all of your small pro shop items as well from tape, rosin bags, easy slide, shoe covers, the list goes on. We can revive your ball with our Revivor. Get all the oil out of that ball and put the hook back into it.
The pro shop is open most days or you can call 518.793.9606 for an appointment.